The following minutes are up for review and adoption at the March 15, 2018 meeting. Please review now and inform This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if there are any changes required. Paper copies of these minutes will be available at the meeting for final review before adoption vote in the meeting.
NORAC Secretary
NORAC Monthly Meeting February 15, 2018
Executive: Mike Van Kuyk VE7KPZ, Brad Weatherill VE7WBM
Members: Grace Blyth VA7GGB, Clyde Blyth VA7EIM, Murray Hainer VE7MH, Doug Wirsz VE7VZ, Blake Tweddle VE7DO, Lindsay Gavel VE7LPG, Jane Weitzel VE7WWJ, Tony Ettlinger VA7ETT, Rick Phillips VA7EM, Nicholas Rudersdorfer VA7AZZ, Terry Rudersdorfer VE7TRZ, Ted Bates VE7UIH
Guests: Ralph Olds VA7NU (Guest Presenter), Stephen McLaughlin VA7STV, Fred Schrod VA7UN, Chris Walter VE7EQN, Kevin Huth VE7XY, Gord Hawkey VE7GFH, Tom Apps VE7ENP, Alan Nourse VE7MET
Meeting called to order 7:32pm
Motion to adopt agenda Mike VE7KPZ, second Brad VE7WBM. Passed
Motion to adopt minutes from January Ted VE7UIH, Second Mike VE7KPZ Passed
No treasurer present. We did receive a $500 honorarium for working the parade.
VP Report: Just completed one of our two service projects the Winter Carnival Parade. The parade was a big success and we used the RIP repeater for the first time.
Education Report:
We have 4 signups for our next HAM course starting in March. Hoping to increase the numbers as we get closer to the date. Kelowna class has about 15 people in their current class.. Suggested that minimum class size is 10.
No technical report this month.
Old Business:
The WiresX node is now located at Brad VE7WBM’s QTH. On UHF Digital.
WiresX phase 3 is to switch the VHF unit to Auto/Auto mode. Possibility to upgrade to DR-2X repeater.
Mr. Glowa passed away on January 16/18 VE7QP. Service to be held in March. Was a founding member of NORAC.
Motion to adjourn meeting Rick VA7EM Second Terry VE7TRZ. Meeting adjourned 7:53pm.