The following minutes are up for review and adoption at the February 15, 2018 meeting. Please review now and inform This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if there are any changes required. Paper copies of these minutes will be available at the meeting for final review before adoption vote in the meeting.
NORAC Secretary
Meeting called to order at 7:28pm, January 18, 2018 at the People Place (in the room with the red chairs)
Executive Present: Brad VE7WBM, Tracy VE7XNY
Members Present: Terry VE7TRZ, Nic VA7AZZ, Bob VE7EZI, David VA7SZ, Doug VE7VZ, Grace VA7GGB, Clyde VA7EIM, Murray VE7MH, Grace VE7IGB, Ted, VE7UIH, Lindsay VE7LPG, Rick VA7EM
Motion to adopt agenda from Murray MH Second Grace IGB Motion to adopt minutes from November from Ted VE7UIH second Tracy VE7XNY.
Please all new executive go to the credit union to get onto signing.
Grace asks that we transfer $750 from chequing to savings to help build up funds for equipment replacement. Motion Ted, Second Terry. Passed.
No correspondence from Secretary. President’s Report:
From the President
Apologies for my personal absence from the January and February club meetings. I'm taking an online CW / International Morse Code Course and my classes are Monday and Thursday evenings at this time. So far the class is fun but also very challenging and I'm spending a lot of time practicing and reviewing for the next class. Thanks to my other Executive members for taking on the challenge of chairing the January and February meetings.
Your new 2018 Executive has had two very productive Executive Meetings in November and January. Our plan is to have separate Executive meetings about once per month to make sure our goals for the year are met and we stay on track with club activities.
The NORAC Christmas party was a big success, thanks to everyone involved, and thanks to all for a great turnout.
The VE7EGO Wires-X Node project is on hold until a decision is made regarding some additional equipment. The existing club owned Kenwood radio was not suitable for the job due to an extended tail squelch issue inherent to that radios design and age, so it won't be useful for this project, during the new business section for tonight's meeting the issue will be discussed further.
Treasurer Report: $4,852.77 in chequing before motion to transfer funds to savings.
Education Report: Final dates for course Mar 18 to Apr 29/18 Get start date to the course online. Grace will contact Morning Star to get the notice into paper. Dates have been extended from original exam date of April 25th as that is Bill’s anniversary. Nic is waiting for final ok from Bill that April 29th works for him before publishing the course dates.
Technical Report:
Discussion was had about purchasing a new club Yaesu FTM-100 radio to work with our WiresX node. The club Kenwood D700 was not compatible with the WiresX system and our test was done using a personal radio of Aaren’s. David SZ moved we purchase an FTM-100 and ancilliary supplies not to exceed $700. Second by Tracy. Motion passed.
Service Report:
Insurance paperwork is sent off and a cheque will be sent soon. Club Membership to RAC was also looked after. RAC $578 last year. The amount should be similar this year. Our rate is reduced for each individual RAC member the club has.
Need to do the new bylaws and constitution in 2018. It was suggested that we could model our bylaws per the new version from the Kelowna Club. Bob EZI is working on some new bylaws. Doug will send an email to Bob to help. This needs to be done before the AGM.
Winter Carnival parade is Feb 3rd. Bob has had one meeting with the committee. Need at least 15 Hams to make it work. Bob will be sending out an email to request volunteers via Reflector. If the parade gets 110 floats, we get $500 donation. The club is a Silver Sponsor of the Carnival.
Nic asked about having a Tent to hand out info near the Judges tent to hand out info about the upcoming course. Nic will draw up a brochure and get a table. Ted said he will be in the booth.
Moved by Terry for Adjournment @ 809 Second Ted. Meeting Adjourned 8:09