Hello all NORAC members:

This will serve as notice of the NORAC AGM  to will be held on Thursday, October 20th, 2016 at The People Place, 3402 27 Ave 101, Vernon, BC

NOTE: Section III (Policy and Procedures) of the Constitution and By-Law pertaining to membership:

Sec. 111.2.3 Membership Year: The membership year for NORAC shall be from November 1 to October 31 of the following year. A member who has not paid membership dues by Jan 31 of the current membership year shall revert to an "associate member" class of membership.

Notwithstanding the above, all members are strongly encouraged to pay their 2016/17 membership fees prior to the AGM.  The treasurer will be available to accept cash or cheque payment one half hour (1/2 hour) prior to the start of the meeting.  If you are accustomed to using PayPal for dues payment, now is the time.  Remember all dues are payable in all cases no later than October 31st.

If you are a fully paid-up full member or family member for the 2015/16 membership year, you may still exercise your full privileges at the the AGM. Lifetime members have full privileges without paying a membership fee.

Membership Fees

Full Membership:  $45.00  (Individual licenced amatuers)

Family Membership:  $45.00 plus $10.00 for each licenced amateur family member residing in the same domicile.

Associate Membership:  $30.00  (Associate membership carries no voting, nominating or office-holding privileges).

AGENDA FOR AGM  (per Constitution & By-laws)

1. Introductions --members and guests.

2.Adopt Agenda.

3. Adoption of minutes of 2015 AGM.

6. Reports of Officers:
Summary of the past year's activities.
Adopt financial statement.

7. New Business.
Appointment of Treasurer's assistant (to handle cash and make bank deposits on behalf of  the treasurer).

8. Adjournment.



All offices are open to nomination, currently there is one person nominated for treasurer.


President  (incumbent B. Byrne, VE7EZI)

Vice President  (incumbent A. Jensen, VA7AEJ -- not seeking re-election)

Treasurer (incumbent G. Byrne, VE7IGB -- not seeking re-election. There is one nominee for this position)
Secretary (incumbent M. Hainer, VE7MH)

Director (incumbent N. Rudersdorfer, VA7AZZ)

Bob Bynre, VE7EZI

President, NORAC