Trailer Sale – Saturday 11 May 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
The club is disposing of a large amount of surplus radio equipment which is currently in storage in a semi-trailer in the BC Hydro storage yard in Vernon. Included in the bag are various antennae, coax, hardline, repeaters (including duplexers), transceivers of diverse kinds, rack equipment, and racks to mount them in, and power supplies large and small. All club members are invited to come and have a look and make offers to purchase. For further information contact Harvey Bell VA7YH.
Jesse VE7LYD the club's Technical Director will have first priority and set aside all equipment that the club wants or needs for maintaining the repeaters etc.
After that some equipment may be disposed of as per the terms of their original donation to the club (ie, commercial gear that can't be resold).
The trailer is located at the far end of the BC Hydro storage yard, which is in turn accessed by proceeding south on the track starting at the south end of East Vernon Rd, through the (normally locked) gate to the far end of the yard.