A big thank you to all who turned out to volunteer at the Falkland Stampede Parade on May 22nd.   Perfect weather brought record breaking crowds out to the first stampede at Falkland since COVID arrived.


The parade went smoothly thanks to the efforts of our organizer Mike Dennison VA7XDM and his partner Marilyn, and all who were there to assist:

Roy Warner VA7PGW and partner Gaylene Warner

Bud Kuzenko VE7KBK

Ritchie Leslie VA7RLX and partner Rose Harryman

Bob Byrne VE7EZI

Grace Byrne VE7IGB

Paul Elmont VE7PDE

Doug Stewart VA7CPS

Michael Van Kuyk VE7KPZ

Jane Weitzel VE7WWJ

Nicholas Rudersdorfer VA7AZZ


It was a great day and I certainly had a lot of fun.   73 & thanks to all who helped out Ritchie, VA7RLX


Ps: VE7KPZ would also like to note that this works out to be: 14 x 2.5 hours service on parade day + 8 hours preparation and coordination = 43 hours of community service time.