VE7TRZ, VE7UIH, VA7EM and VE7KPZ are heading up to the VE7EGO Commonage repeater site on Sunday, November 18, 2018 at around 12 noon. We welcome other NORAC club members to join us.
This will likely be our last visit to this repeater site for 2018. This will be a fairly simple visit, to check things over before winter.
For this site visit, we'll meet at noon at the gate located here:
If you'd like to join us, please give any of us a call on VE7RSS 146.880-.
Some of us may hit the Polson Park Tim Hortons at 11 AM to get a bit of lunch and a big coffee before heading up to the cold mountain top.
This trip will likely take 1-2 hours. Please be prepared to stay for the duration (dress warmly as it is cold up there) that we can all convoy together.
If you do want to drive the road to the top, a high-clearance 4wd vehicle is required. If you don't have one, carpool up to the top with one of us.
NORAC Vice President 2018/2019